I Will Pay For The Following Essay E Portfolio On Consumer Behaviour Theories Th

I will pay for the following essay E/portfolio on consumer behaviour theories. The essay is to be 4 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

Modern business has become more customers oriented so, understanding customer’s psychology is utterly important. With the help of these two communication modes the organization tries to showcase various discounts, colours of the products, quality and etc.

In the case of the TV advertisement, the organization provides visual inputs to the customers. It helps the organization to attract 80% perception about the customers. This perception helps the customers to come up with a purchasing decision. The particular TV advertisement of Nike assists customers to experience the existence of the products visually. It can be seen that Christiano Rolando, a well known celebrity and footballer has endorsed the brand. By choosing the footballer Nike is trying to attract the young customers who follow Christiano Rolando or they are his fans. The advertisement is trying to communicate that well known celebrities love the brand and so it would be wise for the general customers to have a taste of it. Customers of the organization often try to go for various options related with the colours. This TV advertisement provides that option to the customers. It has significant impacts on the customer’s psychology. The Billboard also has comprehensive visual effects on the customers. It provides utterly soothing experience for the target groups. Customers take it as the treat for their eyes and glitters of this Nike billboard attract customer’s psychology immensely. In case of Billboard Nike has chosen players from different sports along with a message encrypted on it. Choosing a wide range of players may extend the target group of customers who are lovers of different ball game. On the other hand the message will motivate the customers as well. They can think themselves on the place of the players and achieve the taste of success as the players. This TV advertisement of Nike provides audio input which motivates the

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