Psy 350 week 2 quiz


PSY 350 Week 2 Quiz

Question 1

Alcohol is a depressant drug because it decreases the activity of __________.




cellular reproduction 

Question 2

In the central nervous system, what is a cluster of gray matter called?

a butterfly 

an axon 

a nucleus 

a ganglion 

Question 3

Acetylcholine plays an important role in muscle __________.





Question 4

What kind of diet might increase levels of serotonin?

low carbohydrate/high protein 

low carbohydrate/low protein 

high carbohydrate/low protein 

high carbohydrate/high protein 

Question 5

Which part of the nervous system is responsible for conserving energy?

the sympathetic nervous system 

the parasympathetic nervous system 

the somatic nervous system 

the enteric nervous system 

Question 1

Alcohol is a depressant drug because it decreases the activity of __________.




cellular reproduction 

Question 2

Which cranial nerve has as its only function control and sensation related to eye movement?

cranial nerve I (the olfactory nerve) 

cranial nerve II (the optic nerve) 

cranial nerve IV (the trochlear nerve) 

cranial nerve VII (the facial nerve) 

Question 3

What is the most common neurotransmitter substance found in the human nervous system?

amino acids 



Substance P 

Question 4

Which of the following is not one of the ways to increase the availability of monoamines in the synapse?

increase MAO and COMT enzyme activity 

inhibit MAO and COMT enzymes 

block the reuptake transport system 

increase the release of monoamines 

Question 5

What kind of diet might increase levels of serotonin?

low carbohydrate/high protein 

low carbohydrate/low protein 

high carbohydrate/low protein 

high carbohydrate/high protein