I Will Pay For The Following Essay Leadership Themes In World And American Hist

I will pay for the following essay Leadership themes in World and American Hist. The essay is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

Subsequently, Deng implemented a development plan for the foundation of the Chinese economy known as the ‘Four Modernization policy’ (Benson, 2013). The approach focused on key development sectors such as agriculture, defense, industrialization, science, and technology. According to Benson (2013), Deng paid more attention to agriculture since it was the main economic and social activity in China (80%). Investing in agriculture would reduce poverty and hunger levels. hence, increasing the national economic growth.

The modernization of the industry had more setbacks compared to other policies leading to a slow growth (Benson, 2013). However, agriculture provided a foundation for science and technology that would be used in mechanization of agriculture and production of ammunition for the military. Additionally, it also attracted urban and rural workers due to the high pays leading to higher rates of economic development. In the long-run, the economic growth under Deng’s reign attracted foreign investors that also contributed positively to the development. China also signed international treaties that linked its market to the global markets.

The foundation of the CPP was a major political revolution in China under Deng (Benson, 2013). However, he had to change the political ideologies of most of the leaders. Consequently, he initiated a plan to eliminate some of the higher-ranking leaders in the party to ensure that the new members would follow his rule. He slowly dismantled China’s socialist ideas by adopting the Marxist-Leninist thought. The proposal had both political and economic benefits since his network of leaders made sure that it infiltrated the Chinese villages (Benson, 2013). China was under an imperial leadership structure that did not allow for any uprising from the public. Deng presented a political ideology that was recognized internationally mostly due to the previous notion of the enemy and

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