I Will Pay For The Following Essay Internet Regulation The Essay Is To Be 6 Page

I will pay for the following essay Internet regulation. The essay is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

The use of the internet is growing exponentially and moving in directions that no know could have imagined. Regardless whether we change with it, it is a fact that the way we communicate will continue to change. The digital migration has already shifted the boundaries between our personal and professional lives. The internet creates daily contacts with an endless number of electronic databases that in turn preserve our thoughts, statements, video and even voices. It is hard to find an individual who claim that internet is the final frontier or even a particularly revolutionary frontier (Martinsen, 89).

Internet usage is a concept that has existed and will continue to exist. However, the fascinating fact is that with the new opportunities, risks and questions presented by the increasing level of technology platforms that allow people across the globe and communicate in new ways. It is used in almost all the sectors of any economy in the swift exchange and access of information and has fuelled faster economic expansion in many economies due to efficient communication and co-ordination of activities it offers. The benefits of the internet are undoubted. However, despite their well-intentioned efforts, there are some limitations that come by the use of the internet. (Determann, 2).

The possibility of regulations aimed at neutralizing the internet has been met by fierce debate among scholars globally. While some are of the opposing sides, the rest embraces the idea of regulating the internet usage. Basically, internet regulation is an act of restricting or controlling access to some aspects or information. In a nutshell, internet regulation includes censorship of data and controlling aspects of the internet such as IP address and domain registration. Well, i tend to be of the opinion that the internet usage should have some limitations (Brousseau, Meryem and Cécile, 73).

One of the areas of concern with regards to negative effects of internet is

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