I Will Pay For The Following Essay Integrated Technology Systems The Essay Is To

I will pay for the following essay Integrated Technology Systems. The essay is to be 10 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

However, humanity is developing ever since the first dawn of jungle life when humans were living in caves and eating raw flesh of animals and they used leaves to cover their bodies but one thing they had in common with modern man and it was the urge to develop and grow into better beings. This need helped them in the conquest of building agricultural societies which finally gave birth to industrialized cities and the most advanced form of civilization exists in the form of knowledge communities of the west and all advancement is being considered as the result of the need of humans to experience betterment (Peck, 2005).

Wright brothers developed first working model of an aeroplane which was in fact based on the theoretical work of Leonardo Di Vinci and currently same principles are refined in order build planes like Boeing 777 that have a wing span of more than 200 feet. The development is the essence of human existence and therefore, evolution always remained a defining attribute of human race. The climatologists are always remained interested in gauging climate change, rain and wind speed. In early days of the field, raw footers were used in order to measure the level of rainfall and with the passage of time. humans developed more sophisticated means to do that. Again the process of evolution kicked in and scientists effectively developed new measures for gauging rainfall. However, the basic principles remained the same but techniques changed dramatically over the past few decades. Even in the modern age of the 21st century, weather experts are measuring rainfall in millimetres and centimetres.

The main idea of scientific development is to minimize the level of human effort needed to get the job done. The concepts remain the same and means of applying them change as world clock moves forwards (Kemp, 1994). The conventional methods of measuring rainfall were crude and these were more

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