I Will Pay For The Following Essay Forum On Congress The Essay Is To Be 1 Pages

I will pay for the following essay Forum on Congress. The essay is to be 1 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

The introduction of the bill to the houses is followed by reference of the bill to a special committee by the speaker of the house and Senate’s leader. The committees are given time to study the bill and sub-committees are invited to amend or add on to the bill after approval by the house (Smith et. al., 2007). The committee of house rules later receives the new bill and sets the limits and rules for the bill.

The committee of house rules hands the bill to the house and senate. The house considers the rules attached, and after approving them, debate on the bill kicks off. The period for debate and amendment of the bill is not specified (Dewhirst & Rausch, 2007). A conference committee receives the bill after a vote by the house and the senate and harmonizes the changes made by the house with those of the senate. The house and the senate approve the harmonized bill and votes on it. The bill is then handed to the president to either approve or disapprove it. The president can automatically sign the bill if satisfied with it. It is within the president’s discretion to veto the bill or decline to sign the bill. If the congress is in session, vetoing the bill or declining to sign it renders it a law after the lapse of ten days (Smith et. al., 2007). The president can pocket veto the bill if the congress is going on recession thereby killing the

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