I Will Pay For The Following Essay Enterprise Architecture Information Needs By

I will pay for the following essay Enterprise Architecture: Information Needs by Position, Function and Role. The essay is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

This leads to the significant reduction of operation costs. A case study of an organization that successfully implemented the framework was done. The reasons for this implementation were analyzed and observations on how to make it were done. Sygenta was used as the case study. Before the enterprise architecture is implemented a strategic analysis is done. This creates the basis for its adoption.

In the strategic basis of implementation, one of the first things to consider is the mission statement. A mission statement is a motto or theme, which is usually the first basis that is set. The mission statement gives the people involved in the project a general idea of what is to be achieved (Saha, 2007). Once the mission statement has been decided upon, other aspects can follow. The statement gives hope to employees and also shows where the organization is headed.

After the identifying the mission statement, the objectives for the implementation process are laid out. The objectives or goals are what the organization wants to achieve when undertaking the implementation process. The objectives are sometimes the problems faced by the organizations’ current system. The evaluation of these problems is what usually determines what the organization will do. Due to the problems faced by the organization, the objectives tend to be challenging, but they should always be achievable (Saha, 2007). If possible, they should be set in a way that progress can be monitored and this can be done, for example, by setting milestones. With the monitoring of milestones or process in general, it is easier to correct mistakes that are made during implementation as opposed to correcting the errors at the end. This also reduces chances of mistakes that will arise as a result of previous errors, making it even harder to correct them.

Once the objectives have been laid out, the organization has to do a situational analysis of the factors that affect it and

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