I Will Pay For The Following Essay Descartes Discourse On The Method Part Iv Htt

I will pay for the following essay Descartes Discourse on the Method (Part IV). http://www.earlymoderntexts.com/pdf/descdisc.pdf. The essay is to be 1 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

However, the discourse twist came when he inferred, “something indeed having every perfection of which I could have any idea, that is—to explain myself in one word—by God” (Bennett, 2007, p. 16). After this inference, the discourse changed to one that discussed the existence of God. It was at this point that it became clear that the ending would be more of God’s existence rather than a conclusion of Descartes as a human being.

The change of discourse from exploration of self to a proof of God’s existence through personal evaluation was indeed an ingenious thought. Most of the times we try to prove existence of God or lack thereof by evaluating what are outside us. However, Descartes made a self-evaluation on intrinsic values of himself as a human being. By deconstructing his strengths and limitations, he was able to realize a fair conclusion about the existence of a supreme being, which we refer to as God. Therefore, the ending was different but offered a concise conclusion on God’s existence despite starting on a different

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