Hello I Am Looking For Someone To Write An Essay On What Are The Basic Arguments

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on What are the basic arguments of Marcuses one-dimensional man thesis To what extent are they useful in analyzing contemporary capitalism. It needs to be at least 3000 words.

wentieth century: “the calling attention to new forms of domination, repression and social control in advanced industrial societies” (Kellner, 1984: 5). Modern man, he contends, has become intellectually and spiritually complacent through his psychological dependence on the accoutrements of consumerism and the consumer society itself (repressive desublimation)—“key notions and images of literature and their fate [through the process of technological rationality [disposes of] oppositional and transcending elements in the “higher culture” (Marcuse, 1964, chapter 3: para. 1)

Marcuse, equally critical of the Soviet system, offers a wide-range of criticism both of contemporary capitalism and the Soviet model of communism as it documents the parallel rise of new forms of social repression in both societies.

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