Hello I Am Looking For Someone To Write An Essay On Viable Topic Assessment And

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Viable Topic Assessment And Information Source Evaluation. It needs to be at least 500 words.

ach my Research Proposal as a business plan of Payday Loan services to convenience stores, this are institutions providing credit services among other business functions. This topic is of great value as most people run out of cash from time to time during shopping. from the business point of view they are considered as potential target customers for the business (Miller, 2012). The business plan shall focus on the essential areas that make up a good and successful startup business. This information can be of great importance to the student thus useful for future endeavors. There are enough resources that will help during development of such a plan (Brooks & Dunn., 2009). With some guidance from other people the information can be helpful to present and future employers for reference, the same information can be obtained from libraries and other government resource centers online. With substantial information one is able to understand how to write a business plan of a professional standard, by knowing the common elements of business plans. With a number of samples at hand one is enabled to write a professional plan (Harold & Heinz, 2008).

The plan shall include the business structure of the company both in size and complexity. It shall also focus on the sources of funding for the business, the company description that is for this case it shall be lending institution that will more different from the banks, that is faster services and cheaper to the customers in terms of interest charges (Ireland, Hitt, & Hoskisson, 2009). The plan shall include the rules governing the services, the ways to earn income and also the procedures of hiring employees to the company. Licensing and other legal guidelines in the industry as set by the government shall be also an essential component of business plan (Braswell, R.McCarthy, & McCarthy, 2012).

The main benefits of the payday loan services to customers is to save time used to process loans in banks, save money through the

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