Hello I Am Looking For Someone To Write An Essay On Is It A Good Idea To Use The

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Is it a good idea to use the term ‘knowledge management in conversations with top managers in our days. It needs to be at least 750 words.

In order to get acquainted with the major postulates of knowledge management we turned to “An Illustrated Guide of Knowledge Management” issued by Wissensmanagement Forum in 2003. This guide offers a very detailed description of objectives and benefits, basic concepts and logistics, and gives a precise description of implementation of knowledge management in practice. It becomes clear from the contents already that the “new” science covers such field of management as information and communication technologies and expert systems. The guide provides psychological and philosophical bases for the importance and necessity of knowledge management, explaining facts that are either well-known and widely-discussed or obviously far-fetched. They start with declaring the significance of knowledge and organizational learning for the success of any enterprise (which has been exhaustively discussed in the vast literature on strategic, business and operations management, as well as in that devoted to management of technologies, intelligent systems and the like), happily informing us (as if nobody guessed before) that well-trained and clever personnel contributes to this success, and claiming that “effective knowledge management not only forms the basis of successful innovation processes, but also greatly enhances an organization’s ability to innovate” (p.1). There arises the first question of a puzzled audience: have they found some new method of turning usual employees into creative and invaluable workers? Further, they provide a detailed scheme of cognitive processes connected with knowledge and memory (it stays unclear what a top manager needs it for – general education?) and introduce some cleverly-sounding terms (the purpose is still unclear). They speak of tacit and explicit knowledge and write many other abstruse things (p.2-7). T.D.Wilson (2002) fairly wonders how knowledge of an individual can be managed at all (increased and

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