Hello I Am Looking For Someone To Write An Essay On Elderly Veterans Their Silen

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Elderly Veterans: Their Silencing, Their Care, and a Solution. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Unless there is anyone to speak for the elderly veterans, no one will come to their aid. That is why advocates like AARP must fight for Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security benefits of veterans to be rescued from being cut from the national budget. These people have served their country and they deserve to be taken care of well into and beyond middle age. In this paper, the following issues will be discussed: the place of elderly veterans with regard to how they have silenced as a group. the analysis of how elderly veterans can get advocates for themselves. and finally, an examination of how elderly veterans can offer much to society in terms of love and wisdom. It is with this examination we’ll find conclusions and solutions. How the elderly are taken care of can be quite unnerving, especially because of the lack of education about elderly veterans. Prothero insinuates the young are not being properly educated about the elderly, as it is difficult to find young people who are educated with a broad literacy.2 There are “huge disparities” of funding in the public schools. Scott McCloud demonstrates through comics how he believes in social justice, raising the issue of white supremacy and racism of all kinds being the catalyst for the oppression of people—and how this can “filter down.”4 This is certainly true of elderly veterans as well, that they can be discriminated against as well. These are just some of the kinds of stereotypes that the elderly—especially elderly veterans—face. As for men, they are commonly less subject to being stereotyped but evidence of it might be found all over. Many elderly veterans are ignored, and they are treated without respect and dignity, the respect and dignity that they deserve to receive at the end of their lives.&nbsp.

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