Hello I Am Looking For Someone To Write An Essay On Cultural Differences In The

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Cultural differences in the workplace as a healthcare professional. It needs to be at least 500 words.

Cultural competence equips nurses with necessary skills to respect the patients and their belief systems.

The way I can apply the topic in personal or professional life is that, I need these skills to relate with people of diverse culture and understand them what they like and what they do not like. Interpersonal relationship is important in all walks of life. Now that I intend to be a nurse and will deal with patients all the time, it is more relevant to me because I need the skills in my workplaces to deliver the services. The organization will equally benefit to improve the relationship between the patient and the nurses. To accomplish mission and visions there must be good relation between the patient and the nurse’s failure to which there will be high turnover. The organization is committed to improve health care equality and health care equity on the disadvantaged persons.

To great extent I agree with author in the advancement of cultural competency among nurses. The nurses have to consider the belief systems, ask the person what kind of diseases they are suffering from and how they thing they should be treated. Some diseases originate from the cultural practices and medical approach may fail to give the remedy to the situations. In such circumstance the nurse need to understand the culture. The reason why professional health workers have the skills is to make them effective and efficiency in service delivery. The patients are the people to be served and therefore their interest should be taken into considerations in order satisfy their need. In the like manner during the cultural encounter, the nurse’s values are to be respected. This is because nurses can remain true to personal values while still respecting the values of the patient.

On the other hand cultural competency skills may prove difficult for the nurses. “How does the nurse deliver patient centered care when the patient’s

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