Hello I Am Looking For Someone To Write An Article On Juvenile Justice In The Un

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Juvenile Justice in the United States. It needs to be at least 2000 words. The old patterns of Juvenile justice in United States, major changes in the system and impact of international laws and United States criminal justice system on the Juvenile justice of U.S are discussed below:

As the shifting of population from the rural areas to urban areas were taking place in the beginning of 19th century, the idea for treating the young children when committing the crime was building. During that period, the punishments given to the young children were very mere and they were not giving much attention to the punishment rather than they were of the view to correct the delinquency that caused the crime.

Procedures and ruling conducted for the adult prisoners were somewhat unlike by the reformers and they considered being inappropriate for the young children. The adults were given the harsh punishments n terms of living with dangerous criminals and life time imprisonment that was not at all suitable for the juveniles. It is the duty of the society to protect the rights of children and give them constructive punishment rather than dealing them as a guilty person. The concepts that required attention as to how the children enter into the criminal activity and what were the aspects that made him perform the wrong doings. It is the duty of the state to protect the youngsters from the wrong career. The children should be given the security that there care and solicitude is the responsibility of the government and they are striving to provide it to them. Thus, the harsh regulations that are meant for adult criminals were not considered as right for the children. They eliminate the concept of harsh punishment for the children when found guilty. According to them, children should be treated and rehabilitate to make their future productive rather than making it punishable.

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