Hello I Am Looking For Someone To Write An Article On Evaluation Of The Emergenc

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Evaluation of the Emergency Reporting System of Animal Disease in KSA. It needs to be at least 4000 words. STATA program will be used for data analysis. The questionnaire will measure a dependent variable of time used in closing reported cases against independent variables of availability of medical supplies and tools, availability of transportation, system functionality, climatic conditions, and terrain and difficulty of access to the site. Through the statistical analysis from the STATA program, it should be able to draw the correlation between the dependent variable and independent variables to know the major causes of delay in closing reports. The study is expected to establish that the adoption of modern technologies in information sharing accelerates response rate to field emergency. Mobile-based devices, information surveillance systems and continuous training of field officers act as information catalysts. Information is a positive catalyst in responding to field emergencies. The speed of response to a field emergency depends on the level and efficacy of information sharing between the central information and emergency systems and field veterinary officers.

The Ministry of Agriculture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia provides and passes information to field veterinarians through the central chamber of information and emergency. Communication to the field veterinarian is through modern communication channels such as Communication to field veterinarians must be prompt so that appropriate decisions can be made very quickly.

Information on animal diseases is usually sent to the field veterinary officer for necessary action. The reporting system involves the use of an electronic reporting system. The core responsibility of the field veterinary officer is to respond swiftly to the information in order to deal with the local situation. Mobile-based technologies, effective surveillance systems and well-trained field veterinary officers assist in the effective sharing of field information between field veterinary officers and central information and emergency systems.&nbsp.

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