Give A Definition Of A Class Named Arithmetic Whose Methods Are Three Add And Mu

1.     Give a definition of a class named Arithmetic whose methods are three add() and multiply()   and one subtract() and divide().

·        Parameter for add() and multiply() should be two, three and four int respectively.

·        Parameter for subtract() and divide() should be two int.

·        Applying method calling in the main(), test your program by:







2.    program that takes in two strings as arguments – the source and destination filenames, respectively. Then, read from the source file and write its content to the destination file with all occurrences of spaces (‘ ‘) converted to underscores (‘_’).

***How to create a library system using java program:

– Accession Number ( 1234FANTH2017)

-5 digits, 4 letters, year.

-Allow student to borrow up to 2 books

-Borrow date( add 3 days)

– Fine (10 php per day/per student)

-Payment( change should be displayed/shown)

-Add, edit(update) , Archieve of books

– viewing of book(OPAC)

-Min of 50 books, Max of 100 books

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